Thursday, April 14, 2011

My Values

What are my personal core values and what do they mean to me?

1. Honesty
2. Respect
4. love
5. Friendship
6. Family
7. Understanding/ Appreciative
8. Just being an all around nice person

The first value on my list is honesty.  I think this one came to mind first because it is something that is essential in having lasting and true relationships with others.  It is one of my biggest concerns when it comes to others because you can't have trust (my third value) with out it.  On top of that, I'm really bad at lying anyways!  I probably have on the most guilty consciences around.  It makes me so incredibly uncomfortable to tell someone something other than the truth, even if it is a little white lie that means absolutely nothing.  Especially now that I have sisters, I want to be the person that they can always depend on no matter what.  I'm gonna go a little out of order here and talk about trust first, because it ties in with honesty.  Trust is one of the most important things to have in any relationship.  I want to be the person that anybody can talk to, about anything.  I like to think it is a mutual thing-- if people trust you, then most likely they will be trustworthy will be trustworthy toward you.  I know that is not alway the case, but I like to think that people will let you trust them if they trust you.  Respect is my second value.  Respect is very important to me because I would never want anyone to disrespect me.  Obviously it happens, but I try really hard to treat others the way I want to be treated.  So respecting others and their opinions and ideas is definitely a way to do that.  You may not necessarily like a person or their opinion or idea, but if you don't respect them then how will their ideas or opinions be heard?  I think everyone deserves to have opinions and ideas and be able to voice them, because I know I have a few and I would never want to feel like I can't express them.  Love is a very big value for me.  I think it is essential in life to love and to be loved.  As humans, we need love; I thrive on it.  The thing that always gets me through every hardship is knowing that I have family and friends who love and support me no matter what.  With love, you can accomplish anything.  Friendship and family are actually sort of tied together, and tied to love.  I value every single person that is my friend or family.  I love them, I trust them, and I lean on them.  They are truly the most important things to me in life; without them I would not be the person I am today.  Understanding and appreciation, which is also in the Delta Zeta creed, are important for a lot of reasons.  For one, you never know what kind of day someone has had.  If you are not understanding, you could end up making their day even worse.  Understanding a person for who they are is also very important to me.  Many times I feel like people are misunderstood.  Since graduating from high school, I came to realize that what people thought of me in high school wasn't at all who I really am.  I feel that people thought I was stuck up, spoiled, and exclusive.  I am still not sure why some people have thought of me that way, but it makes me sad to think that they did because I try so hard to show that I am a caring, thoughtful, nice, and genuine person.  I want to make sure I get to know a person for who they really are instead of judging them based on what I think they are.  Appreciation has also always been important to me for a lot of reasons.  I am so thankful for everything I have and I want to make sure that I show that.  If you can't appreciate what you have then you probably don't deserve it.  My mom has always been the type to want to give me everything in the world that I could ever need.  She has worked so hard to give me the things I have and I would never ever want her to think that I don't appreciate everything she does.  Finally, I value just being an all around nice person because like I said before, I like to act towards others the way I want them to act towards me. I'm a very sensitive person and even the slightest little thing can ruin my day.  I know how horrible it can feel when someone is not nice to you, and I would never want anyone to feel that way.  Ever.  No one deserves to be put down or made fun of. There was a quote in one of the videos we watched on the blogabus that really resonated with me and sort of coincides with values: "Be the change you want to see in the world."  You can't change the world with out first having the values that the world needs.

1 comment:

  1. Love! Now be the change you not only want to see in the world but in your organization!
